Wednesday 13 December 2017

M&S Top Iced Bar Christmas Cake

I'm not a huge fan of fruit cake, but I do like marzipan and icing, so I'm willing to compromise as it's Christmas.

Firstly, I loved the Holly leaf pattern on the icing- a nice little touch!

The cake was very rich, as it should be! There were plenty of sultanas, currants, raisins and cherries which were juicy and plump, very tasty. 

Sadly, my favourite part (the icing and marzipan) was a huge let down. The layers of marzipan and icing were both very thin. The marzipan was very dry and crumbly and pretty tasteless. 

The icing wasn't very soft; a little on the dry side. 

As fruit cake is so rich, the marzipan helps break it up a little with the contrasting almond flavour - but this marzipan was rather bland.

Overall, a lovely fruitcake with lots of plump, juicy fruit. However, the icing and marzipan let this fruitcake down. The layers of marzipan and possibly the icing, need to be much thicker. The marzipan also needs to be improved as the texture was far too dry and it lacked that nice, distinct almond flavour.

Rating: 2/5

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